You might have supported us from the beginning; you might have just started buying from us. Either way, we are so grateful for your continued support! We strive to provide you with the highest quality local products that money can buy, and we try to offer a variety of items.
In order to expand to meet the needs of the community, we offer more than just milk and cheese. In recent years, we have started offering meats such as pork and beef. One of our latest additions is bringing you whole chickens. New this year, we are offering chicken parts and whole turkeys. All of our products are special and raised and produced with care. Our chickens and turkeys are no different!
Chicken and Turkey Farming
In partnership with 7K Family Farms in Adair, our chickens and turkeys are raised on non-GMO, antibiotic free and growth hormone free grain, and they have access to fresh grass every day. The birds are raised in bottomless pens that are moved daily. The bottomless pens allow the birds to have access to sunlight throughout the day and fresh grass, essentially becoming free range chickens and turkeys.
The chickens and turkeys are processed at a USDA inspected facility then sold directly to you at our farm store.
How to Get Your Chicken and Turkey
Turkeys are our newest addition, and will not be available until November – just in time for Thanksgiving!
We have only 50 turkeys available for Thanksgiving, so we will be taking pre-orders. The cost for the turkey is $6/lb, with the birds weighing between 14-18 lbs.
If you want a pasture-raised turkey, call or stop by the farm store and reserve your bird. We will ask for a $25 deposit in order to hold your turkey, and the rest of the cost will be paid when you pick it up in November.
We have been offering whole chickens in our farm store for a while, but we are now offering chickens parts as well. Our chickens are available in store most of the year with the exception of a few months during the winter. Our prices for whole chickens and parts are as follows:
Whole Chicken: $5/lb
Leg quarter: $8/lb
Breast: $12/lb
Wings: $6/lb
Liver: $4/lb
Heart: $8/lb
Feet: $3/lb
Soup Bones: $3/lb
We take pride in our products, and are excited to not only be expanding our farm store, but also to expand our product selection for the community. If you want to get your hands on some pasture-raised turkey or chicken, give us a call or stop by!